Website blogs: What topics should you cover?


Blog posts on your website can be a great way of sharing company news and showing off your expertise. But how do you know what is of interest to your customer base?

Here, Prominent’s Senior Copywriter Oliver Sullivan shares his top tips on the types of content businesses should post on their website.

What should you post on your blog?

There are a million and one things you could post on your blog. But that doesn’t mean you should go too wild with it.

Every blog post should have a purpose and a goal in mind.

What are you trying to achieve? What do you want the reader to take away from it? Don’t lose sight of that for the sake of writing something light or wishy washy.

Most of the time, blog posts are either written to boost brand awareness or drive sales. And you can achieve those things when you post the right content.

Nice examples include sharing company milestones or “meet the team” style pieces that highlight the expertise your business has at its disposal.

Posts could also look in depth at areas of your company’s mission or values – or answer frequently asked questions from your customers.

For something more hard hitting, you might also want to post content that positions you as a leader in your field. Great examples include pieces of industry insight, reacting to recent news or looking ahead to the future by predicting upcoming trends.

You could also share your top business tips (a bit like I’m doing now).

General tips

A blog isn’t an academic journal – so make sure not to overcomplicate it. Strike a nice, conversational tone that doesn’t use a lot of jargon.

Keep your sentences nice and short. Long paragraphs can be both daunting and intimidating for a reader and will often send them elsewhere.

Remember the importance of SEO. Make sure to research the keywords your customers search for on a certain topic and include them throughout your copy. This will help boost your chances of a good ranking on Google.

Lastly, remember your messaging. You can absolutely have a bit more creativity in a blog than you can in something like a press release – but you need to remember why you are doing it.

Need help with your blog?

Prominent’s team of former journalists have written more blog posts than you’ve had hot dinners.

We work with you to understand your brand and your audience to master your tone of voice.

We typically create plans with numerous blogs per month for each client – so get in touch today if you’re looking for help managing yours.

Contact us via 01473 276126 or drop us a line. We’re here to help.

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