How beneficial is out of home advertising for your business?


In today’s marketing world, businesses face heightened digital noise and fiercer competition than ever as they strive to capture the attention of their target audience.

While online strategies remain key in discussions, a proven method continues to hold its ground – out of home advertising.

Here, our Marketing Manager Sophie looks at how beneficial out of home advertising can be for your business.

What is out of home advertising?

Out of home (OOH) advertising refers to any form of advertising that reaches the consumer while they are outside their homes. Billboards, train station posters, buses and petrol pump nozzles all fall into this category.

The main categories of OOH advertising are:

  • Billboards – high impact large sites including 48 and 96 sheets
  • Street furniture – bus shelters, telephone booths and pavement screens
  • Transit – buses, trainlines, stations and airports
  • Place-based – pubs, gyms, sports clubs and events
  • Retail – supermarkets and shopping centre
  • Digital OOH – traditional formats combined with AdTech allowing for digital 6 sheets, digital 48 sheets and so on

OOH advertising is favoured for its ability to reach a broad audience and make a lasting impression. It is often used in conjunction with other advertising channels to create a comprehensive and integrated marketing campaign.

With the rise of digital technology, digital OOH advertising has become increasingly popular, allowing for dynamic content updates and more targeted messaging.

But what are the benefits of OOH?

1. High visibility – OOH ads that are placed in high-traffic areas can put your brand in front of thousands of people

2. Flexibility – Digital formats allow for dynamic content changes, enabling updates, schedule changes or location specific messaging. This allows media buyers to be strategic and build a highly targeted campaign

3. Complementing other marketing – Outdoor ads can reinforce messages seen on other channels such a radio, social media, TV or print. This can help create a more comprehensive and memorable brand experience

4. Increased ad or brand recall – As most people come across OOH ads repeatedly during their daily routines, repeat impressions help to cement information in the brain, making brand recall far more likely over time. So, when consumers need a particular product, the familiarity of the brand can influence their decision-making process

5. Cost – Compared to some other traditional medias like TV or radio, OOH can be especially cost-effective when considering the potential exposure and reach it offers. Where some adverts might be shown for a few seconds or minutes, OOH advertising remains visible for an extended period of time

Incorporating OOH advertising into your strategy can amplify your brand's visibility, create a stronger brand presence, and drive consumer engagement both offline and in conjunction with your online strategies.

At Prominent Media, we take the stress out of the process by identifying target locations and formats, negotiating ad space and monitoring campaigns to ensure everything is running smoothly.

If you’re considering including OOH advertising opportunities for your business, contact us today.


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